viernes, 2 de enero de 2015

The Civil Engineering and Its Relationship to the Environment


     For this purpose the civil engineer in parallel with its efforts to create the necessary infrastructure for human activity, has a responsibility to the environment, assessing, preventing, minimizing or mitigating the environmental impacts that their works produced. The consumption of resources for human activity in cities creates a lot of waste that nature can not digest. Thus, the management of solid waste engineering involves actions to control, use and disposal.

     Management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is the set of operations performed with them since they are generated in homes and services to the last phase of their treatment and disposal. These operations are directed to consider the waste is not as waste but as materials with a life according to their characteristics, volume, origin, chances of recovery and utilization. A post-consumption MSW management approach implies that from a given quantity and composition, the set of procedures and actions to control engineering, utilization and disposal is determined

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